LEFT -Plymouth Galway -US 8 needles
found this lace pattern in an Interweave Knits mag.
RIGHT – Karabella Aurora 8 Space Dyed -US 7 needles
-Karabella Lace Mohair
-crochet hook N
didn’t finish it yet, will i ever? ;-)
pattern is the Round Crochet Shawl
i like the “Wafers” yarn on US 3 needles, left photo and top.
the botton tube is US 5 needles
Black Pearl Cashmere DK on US 5 needles?
oh yeah!!! got my first Poison Apple tshirt yesterday, must.. have.. more… (ps, this photo from his website)
i want him to make one with his logo on it too, so freakin sweet
<– click to go to his website